Village of Thoughts 19: Louwe’s field

“Louwe’s farm was behind our house. Siem was my friend, but I never visited him, and never came on their land. Louwe hit his children.
One day father went to him and spoke to him about it. Father was a head shorter, but Louwe did respect him. Anyhow, father enjoyed a lot of respect in the village. I think Dad made an impression on him. I certainly hope so…”

Het veldje van Louwe

“Achter ons huis lag de boerderij van Louwe. Siem was mijn vriend, maar ik kwam nooit bij hem, en nooit op hun land. Louwe sloeg zijn kinderen.
Op een dag is vader naar hem toe gegaan, en heeft hem daarop aangesproken. Vader was een kop kleiner, maar Louwe had wel respect voor hem. Sowieso genoot vader veel respect in het dorp. Ik denk dat vader wel indruk op hem maakte. Ik hoop het in ieder geval…”

Field of gold

This picture made me think of Sting’s song ‘Fields of gold’. It´s wheat he sings about, but this comes close enough. Heard him sing during his show last December. Loved it!
But even the master can´t beat the voice of Eva Cassidy. She makes me want to walk through the fields forever