Village of thoughts 20: The dark corner

“Fairies and gnomes in the dark corner? That’s nonsense. The dark corner is just a place. The bend in the Eeuwigelaan. Beautiful, right next to the dune. And extremely dark in the summer, when the beech trees are in full leaf. In the spring wild garlic blooms and everything smells like onions. A rare and protected plant, but it grows en masse there. A special place, fairytale-like. But don’t talk nonsense about fairies or anything…”

Dorp van gedachten 20: De donkere hoek

“Feeën en kabouters in de donkere hoek? Dat is flauwkul. De donkere hoek is gewoon een plek. De bocht in de Eeuwigelaan. Wel mooi, zo tegen het duin. En enorm donker in de zomer, als de beukenbomen vol in het blad zitten. In het voorjaar bloeit er daslook, dan ruikt alles naar ui. Een zeldzaam en beschermd plantje, maar het groeit daar massaal. Wel een bijzondere plek, sprookjesachtig. Maar geen onzin vertellen over feeën of zo…”

Last series of Madagascar

It’s too much!

More on Madagascar

It´s been a while since I’ve been there, but I just have to share some more pictures of this beautiful, intriguing island in the Indian ocean.

First part was in the south. Tulear with fishermen, water taxis and birds like the beautiful tropicbird.

Then up to Antsokay an Anakao with birds lik the olive bee-eater and magpie-robin.

Further to the Mangily spiny forest, and from there to Zombitse

FKE Exhibition

Really happy with the opening today of the exhibition in the St. Aegtenkapel in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, of our photoclub FKE. A bunch of great photographers with so much creativity! Former chairman Rob Renshoff has succeeded in realizing this exhibition – what a succes!