Kind of blue

Venus guided us all the way home after the Vienna trip.
The picture from the plane resembles a bit the picture I took at home a few days ago, with Jupiter and Venus in conjunction.

More blue lately:

Angry ocean

Floating. Mesmerizing

Dusk settles

Venus and Jupiter

Tonight, Venus and Jupiter are standing very close together in the sky. That is: they’re standing very, very far apart, but they appear to look close together to us.

In the sunset picture you can see them cosily in the top right corner, in between the greylag geese. Beautiful sunset today.

I also took a few pictures with the standard 500 mm lens, and was very surprised about the details. You actually see the little balls in the sky, and a few moons around Jupiter. Always makes me feel like that little boy, staring into the sky with a small telescope and dreaming of the stars…

City of Mozart

So I visited his grave in Vienna. That is to say: He was buried here at the St. Marx cemetery, but the exact location is  a guess. Buried in an unmarked grave, according to the rules and habits of that time. Probably his bones were dug up after ten years to give room to other deceased. But it is nice to think that he was laid to rest here, at this memorial.

“Do you think this is it?”
Approaching the Mozart house at Domgasse 5  in Vienna, Austria. But no, the house where Mozart lived is just around the corner. The house is a museum, and you can walk in the rooms where you he and his wife lived from 1784 to 1787. He wrote the world-famous opera “Le Nozze di Figaro” there, and three of the six Haydn Quartets.

Well, this is it then. The Mozart house. Domgasse 5  in Vienna, Austria. Incredible that he has walked in the same streets, through the same door over the same stairs. With a little fantasy you can walk together.

View from his house.
This he saw when looking out of the window, thinking what the violins should play next.

The Stephansdom is just around the corner

Night falls in Vienna


Impressionistic evening at the Opernring in Vienna


An evening at the opera
